Coping with Overwhelming Feelings as an Empath

Maybe know that you are an empath. Maybe not, yet can still feel overwhelmed with situations. What are some tips to help cope with this? Here are some of my go to’s:

  • You are in a crowded room or mall and suddenly feel overwhelmed. Excuse yourself and find a quiet place to get centered and breathe. Take in a nice deep breath, hold it for 3 seconds, and gently blow it out. Do this several times until you start to feel grounded and back in control.

  • When you suddenly feel out of control or angry, even though you were just laughing and happy. Ask if this energy is yours. More than likely, it is not. Simply acknowledge the feeling and say, “return to sender with love and consciousness”. Sit with this for a few minutes and feel it release from you. If you still feel it, do it once more and let it release. If you feel it after the second time, you know then it is yours and you can decide how to handle the situation. If it is gone, then it was never yours!

  • Grounding. Imagine yourself as a tree. Trees symbolize stability and groundedness. Sit somewhere with your feet planted on the ground. Imagine your feel have tree roots coming out of them going deep into the ground. Keep moving them down as far as you can go. Sit with this feeling of groundedness for some time and take in some nice deep breaths.

  • Take a walk. Getting into nature and walking is grounding and will help reset your nervous system. Walking and breathing will help relax you and get you centered so that you can continue with your day.

  • Taking an Epsom salt bath. Epsom salts release toxins in our system. Water helps to release and replenish our souls. Since our bodies are made mostly of water, the combination helps soothe and realign our bodies.

Find the combinations that work for you to realign, center, and be well!


Children and Spirit


Being an Empath