Children and Spirit

Children are highly sensitive. When we are born, we are of pure love. We don’t know anger, hate, judgment. All we know is pure unconditional love. We understand spirit. We sense, feel, and see spirit with our eyes, mind, and body. It is only as we grow older we are taught to think differently.

I remember my 3-year-old daughter playing and serving tea to her teddy bear. I walked in and said hello to her. She instantly stopped singing and serving tea and said “where Trin go?”. There was no one in the room with her and me. I asked if Trin was having tea with her. She shrugged and went about her business. I had interrupted tea with her and her spirit friend Trin.

Do you have children that are afraid of the dark or are unable to sleep and want to sleep with you at night? Are they afraid of what is in the closet? Chances are, they are seeing, feeling, or sensing Spirit and do not know how to put that into words. Most of the time, Spirit is just here to watch over us and protect us. They never want us to be afraid of them. Talk to your children and ask them what is bothering them. If you ask them questions like, is grandpa with you at night? You might find that is exactly the case. Let them know that they are safe and can ask the spirit to leave the room so they can sleep.

By keeping an open mind you can encourage your children to believe in the magic!


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