Looking for the signs of Loved Ones Reaching Out

Are you wondering if your loved ones are trying to reach you or send you messages? Yes, they are! You just need to be in awareness of the messages. Messages come in many ways. They come in verses of songs, the title of songs, feathers, finding coins on the ground, animals crossing your path, or coming into contact with you that you feel they would like to talk with you. Billboard, license plates, conversations, and topics that come up. I can go on and on….signs are all around us. We just need to be open to allowing them in!

Here are a few short stories to help you understand.

I was walking to get coffee and I had been contemplating a new job. I was unsure if I should make a move. The gentleman walking in front of me was on the phone talking loud. All I heard was “….and I told him that sometimes you just need to make the change. Just make the move…” 

My sister-in-law was walking on the beach. She was thinking of her Mom who had long since passed. She whispered, “Mom if you are here show me a ladybug.”  She sent me a text of what she asked for and sent a photo. There was a ladybug on her thumb that landed there shortly after she asked for the sign.

My family was looking for a rental house. I was having issues finding a place that would allow cats. As I Googled places for rent this same house kept coming up in my search on the top of the list. It wasn’t really what I was looking for so passed it up. Again and again, it would be the top search. Finally, after 3 or 4 days of it popping up on my primary search, I said, “Ok Universe. I hear you. We will go look”. The day that we went and looked we walked into the entryway of the home. The owner spoke to us about the place and then said she would let us look through the house and would return in about 10 minutes. My family all looked at each other and I asked if anyone needed to look at the house. All of us agreed, we had just found the perfect house.

These are just a few stories of many. As long as you can stay open to possibilities, Spirt, Angels, Guides and the Universe will be there to drop messages to you!


Being an Empath


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